Day two of Year Of The Monster. In the book "365: A Creativity Journal", there are various suggestions for what your project could be based on for that day. For Day 2, it suggests you do something involving your favorite animal. Therefore, I made a Kitty Monster.
I would like to point out that cats are not my favorite animal because my name is Kat. I like them because they're cute and furry and cuddly and occasionally scratch my face off.
...Maybe that last reason doesn't quite apply.
Anyway, I don't like the mouth on this Monster. It ended up a bit messed up because I was trying to stitch the mouth while watching the movie "Inception", and I was fairly distracted by Joseph Gordon-Levitt and his hotness. Oh, and the fact that they were in a dream in a dream in a dream. (Believe it or not, I wasn't that confused by the movie. I understood most of it. The only part that bugged me was the spinning top totem. Why is it that in a dream the top would never fall? Is there always no physics in dreams when it comes to spinning tops? Stupid writers...) What was I talking about?
If you have suggestions for what I should make next, feel free to leave them in the comments, and thanks for reading! :D